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Fall 2023 Award Winner: One Tough Student Scholarship

Alec Brito

Our team at James Kennedy Law is honored to provide financial relief to Alec Brito as he pursues his dream of becoming a lawyer. We are excited to be a part of Alec’s continued success and wish him nothing but the best as he attends FAMU Law in the fall.

Alec Brito

Read Alec's Essay:

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (b/k/a NHTSA), on average, roughly thirty-seven people die each day from car crashes caused by a drunk driver. That equates to one person every thirty-nine minutes. This shocking revelation is one of the most avoidable crimes, yet one so easily committed with little regard for the trail of consequences thereafter. In today’s society, America sets its focus on compensating the victims of traffic fatalities caused by drunken drivers through means of financial repayment, rather than implementing and enforcing policies to ensure public safety regarding alcohol consumption.

For example, establishments, such as licensed bars and nightclubs, have discretion to provide their customers with as many drinks as they please until; and not necessarily the case 100% of the time, an employee determines a customer has exceeded a limit deemed unsafe. These establishments then allow their customers to pay their tab and resume normal activity. Such common practices in alcohol sale and control provided by these establishments are concerning. However, no discussion of reformation is needed to remedy this problem. In fact, according to the Arizona University Health Department, two to four drinks in an hour can result in someone blowing above the legal drinking limit of .08. Despite such statistics, our society continues to allow the above mentioned activity in these establishments to continue collecting revenue. Thus, it is important that at a societal level, we create state regulations controlling the amount of alcoholic beverages sold to each consumer. The counter to that solution is the consumer can continue drinking elsewhere. Although this is true, the possibility of drunk driving will continue to dwell. It is important we create ways to minimize such risk and this solution is one of many ways to risk the possibility of a drunk driver.

In addition, another way society can reduce drunken driving accidents is by purchasing an Uber at the end of the night. Although no one wants to spend money on an Uber, an Uber is a lot cheaper than being convicted of a DUI. In fact, according to Rosen Law Firm, the cost of a first DUI conviction is $12,771. It can almost be certain that no Uber will cost that amount. Thus, consumers of alcohol beverages should purchase an Uber rather than run the risk of possibly killing someone else or themselves.

Thus, steps that can be taken to reduce drunk driving within the community are to advocate to friends and family the risk of drunk driving. Also, the consumer of alcohol beverages does not necessarily need to be the one who purchases the Uber. A friend can purchase an Uber, an establishment selling alcohol, or just about anyone willing to avoid the risk of a drunk driving incident. One can also reduce the risk of drunk driving within the community by not publishing on social media the message that consuming alcohol is a “fun” task. Social media seems to normalize risk-taking behavior which can be detrimental to the viewer of social media content in which they feel they need to copy. Although social media platforms allow alcohol consumption postings, one should be made aware that the risks far outweigh the temporary gratification of drinking and driving.

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